I'm going to introduce a little bit about myself on this page and update every month, so that I can connect with you better and hope that you feel my artworks closer.
How's everyone enjoying this holiday season? I have been busy handling multiple comissioned works and finally all the works are sent to customers. I feel grateful that some customers invited me to see them when they visit to NY - I wish I could take those opportunities to chat with them.😢
I had a short break since I finished those commissioned works and feel revived now!
I'd like to introduce some of latest works and hope you find something speak to you.
TEAPOT (2023) - the first work
acrylic, spray paint and oil pastel on canvas
24 x 30 inches
I prepared some sketches before working on a canvas and had some specific ideas for each works. For "TEAPOT", there are multiple hidden layers masked by thin white, and I added more colors and figures on top of those layers. The second work calls "& things" took a long time to complete - I was struggling a lot but am happy with the final look. The third work is sort of related to "Blurred Face Series". I just got a littl bored to make faces blurred (I've made many works for the series) so just went for "regular faces" this time. The last work is very similar to "LAST NIGHT" which is only available in the limited print series. I just recognized that many people react well to the print and almost sold out now, so decided to make original painting again.
Beirendonck Series
I make few works for this series sometime but thankfully many people react well to this series and most of the are sold fast. I spread multiple colors with a painting knife all over the canvas and decide how I want to create unique figures. Mixed colors create unique lines and always lead me somewhere unexpected. I always enjoy this spontaneous method for this series.
(2023) acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
The first work - 24 x 30 inches
The second and third are in 11 x 14 inches
Blurred Face Series

I'm surprised that many people react well to this series and many paintings from this series are already sold. I constantly have to make new paintings for this series. Here's an additinal work for this series.
OK, That is it for this month.
Thank you for visiting my shop.
Thank you for your time to take a look at my art works.
Wish you all the best and health.
